Unexpected, Unreasonable, Unfixable - My slides from OBTS v6

Posted on 2023-10-15 in blog • Tagged with macOS, ASB, 0day, OBTS, talks

For those that missed the OBTS v6 conference and live stream, here are the slides of my talk:

Gergely Kalman: Unexpected Unreasonable Unfixable

There should be a video of the talk coming out on the official OBTS youtube channel as well.

As for me, I will publish a writeup for …

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librarian (CVE-2023-38571) - a macOS TCC bypass in Music and TV

Posted on 2023-09-27 in blog • Tagged with macOS, ASB, tcc bypass, 0day

This post is a writeup of CVE-2023-38571, a macOS TCC bypass bug I found. It was supposed to be unveiled in my upcoming talk:

"Unexpected, Unreasonable, Unfixable: Filesystem Attacks on macOS" at OBTS v6,

but I needed to cut some bugs out. This is another one of them.


While …

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unnamed sandbox escape (CVE-2023-32364) - a macOS sandbox escape by mounting

Posted on 2023-09-26 in blog • Tagged with macOS, ASB, sbx, 0day

This post is a writeup of CVE-2023-32364, a macOS application sandbox escape bug I found. It was supposed to be unveiled in my upcoming talk:

"Unexpected, Unreasonable, Unfixable: Filesystem Attacks on macOS" at OBTS v6,

but I needed to cut some bugs out. This is one of them.

macOS Sandboxing …

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